Friday, August 10, 2007

Testing MacJournal

I’m testing out a new journaling program that should allow me to post anywhere I want to. It’s called MacJournal and it’s available at It seems to work pretty well - and I’m happy with how it dumped this entry into iWeb. Seems to be pretty cool, but I’ll do a bit more testing and see how the program does posting to Blogger and WordPress as well.

More to come...

Friday, June 1, 2007

You Gotta Start Somewhere

So, why would I possibly want to get into this whole blog thing?  Well, the simple answer is that I often sit down to write, but it's usually only for me.  And it's not that I think that I have anything great to say necessarily, and it's definitely not like I think that anyone necessarily wants to listen.  But I think it would be a good creative exercise for me to write something that I think other people might read - and I also feel that it'll be a really good motivating source for my work - to know that it's "out there" - whatever that means.  So what is this going to be about - probably anything that's in my head at the time.  So what the hell - here it goes!